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New export tool - Tech Update October 2019
Tech Updates
October 25, 2019

New export tool - Tech Update October 2019

This month's big feature upgrade is our brand new custom export tool which is a huge upgrade from our old export options.

What's new: Custom export tool

Now users can choose exactly what types of data they want to export in CSV or XLXS.

This means they essentially choose what columns are going to be present in their exported spreadsheets. We even give them the ability to save their own custom export templates.

This export tool allows anyone to get really granular with how data can be exported and shared with other people.

What's more: a better understanding of our tools

October holds many little improvements here and there. Let’s go over its main highlights:

  • We added a demo data to every account to put things into context upon sign-up for new users
  • We created a dashboard that promises to be very engaging in the future with complicated graphs, tons of numbers, flashy lights and maybe even holograms. But that’s only in the future. For now, there is not much in there besides a brief introduction and links our new product tours, which bring me to my next point…
  • We created 4 new product tours! We plan to add tours on a regular basis

So there goes for the little things.

What's next: Saved Searches

Finally. Let’s hope we make it.

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