Introducing Audio AI
Auto-tagging and similarity-based searches at your fingertips. Learn more

Ask anything about Reprtoir.

Our team is available Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CET Western Europe. Outside these hours, we monitor all incoming messages but we answering to critical issues only.
We speak english and french
We speak english and french

See you @Cannes

Our main office is located at Cannes, in the beautiful French Riviera, the city home to the prestigious Cannes Film Festival and the indispensable events like MIDEM, MIPTV, MIPCOM, CANNESERIES or Cannes Lions.

This proximity to some of the world’s top events in terms of music, films, advertising, innovation, and tech allow us to easily connect with our partners as well as top executives in our business.

If you come in Cannes and would meet us don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a meeting.

P.S.: We know the best places in town!

Revolutionize your business with Audio AI

Artificial Intelligence allows for automatic track tagging, audio similarity-based searches, and more, all integrated within Reprtoir.
80+ statement providers already supported.
Reprtoir is committed to music businesses' digital transition.
We offer a 14-day free trial period (no credit card required). Become a customer to benefit from our data migration services and expert advice.
Reprtoir is committed to music businesses' digital transition.