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Reprtoir pricing changes: decrease of 68% on our most popular products
December 14, 2020

Reprtoir pricing changes: decrease of 68% on our most popular products

When we launched Reprtoir in a paid version exactly 24 months ago, our goal was always to have the fairest prices possible, making it accessible to small companies and bigger established enterprises alike.

We also wanted to give users the freedom to subscribe only to the products they really needed without having to commit to a more complete but also more expensive solution.

Over the past two years, we have had passionate conversations with hundreds of labels and publishers worldwide, all of whom have different ways of operating their businesses, which is as surprising as it is enriching!

By analyzing all these parameters, solving pricing dilemmas for each case was a big challenge that has sometimes caused us intense headaches 😅

Today, we have acquired enough perspective and experience on this subject. This brought us to come up with a new offer we believe is more suited to our users.

We are therefore proud to announce that from now on Reprtoir is moving to a new pricing model for existing customers as well as new paying users.

Discover below how these changes will affect your account:

  • our family of products intended for assets management (Audio Manager, Works Manager, and our new Videos Manager) are now all at the same price (and the first free tier for 100 assets per product is maintained)
  • we have now separated the costs for the metadata storage (tracks, works, and videos) from the costs for file storage (audios and videos files, images, attachments, etc.)
  • consequently, the file storage is now charged per Gigabyte (with 5 Gb offered per month)
  • which allows us to announce a dramatic price reduction of up to 68% for Audio Manager, up to 63% for Works Manager, and up to 33% for Metadata Collector
  • finally, the number of users per account remains unlimited for free, and Reprtoir stays one of the few business and accounting software to offer this

These price reductions will take effect automatically and no action is required on your part. This is an exciting change for us as the majority of our current customers will benefit immediately and we are convinced that it is worth it.

Today's price drop shows our desire to reduce costs for our users in a long-term win-win commitment and with the goal that labels and publishers of all sizes can use modern and powerful software tools to digitize their entire business.

Please check out our new pricing here:

If ever you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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