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AI Features in Reprtoir
January 3, 2024

AI Features in Reprtoir

Last year has definitely been one under AI’s influence, and Reprtoir is no exception to the rule. Let us present to you our selection of AI-powered features!

Reprtoir’s AI Assistant, your personal helper

Level one on AI features is our Assistant! Maybe going through the whole Documentation gets tricky for our users looking for one specific detail. We do have a lot of small features and details to look for since Reprtoir has grown to be one of the most complete workspaces for music companies!

To make your path to the right solution, we set up Reprtoir AI Assistant this year, driven with thorough knowledge of all our documentation and beyond. Using the ChatGPT engine (specifically gpt-4), our assistant will answer your questions in real-time, 24/7, in your language.

This means that wherever you are, whenever you need it, you’ll get some directions. And if we need to dig a little deeper, we’ll intervene quickly!

Audio AI, Reprtoir’s bringing you cutting-edge technology at your fingertips

But this year wasn’t only about ChatGPT, it was about making your life much easier. We’ve developed an AI-feature for catalog management with Cyanite, integrating their solution in our workspace. And tada! Everything is in one place, practical and efficient!

Users of Reprtoir can now generate comprehensive metadata for their whole music catalog in less than a minute, look for specific kinds of tracks by inputting a reference track to get a series of relevant songs or simply by launching a search per keyword. A visualization tool is also available to have a better understanding of data related to catalogs and make the best decisions possible for your business.

Pushing things even further, Reprtoir developed the ability to set auto-description by AI for tracks. Our technology is able to generate full-text descriptions that encapsulate the very essence and mood of each and every track.

Finally, users can make prompt searches; Reprtoir can translate textual descriptions into their closest musical equivalents. AI is able to take subjectivity out of tagging and standardizing your full catalog, but prompt searches are here to give you the possibility to do your research like… well, like a human.

So how does it work really? Better than just telling you about it, we made you a demo so you can see Audio AI in action!

Next steps in AI for Reprtoir

What’s next regarding AI features? We talked about the possibilities for AI’s new integrations in music business softwares with Digital Music News. Find out what Reprtoir, our partner Cyanite and our users Gerencia 360 and Beacon Street Studio have to say about the potential of collaboration with AI, the way we work with it and the legal aspects of it!

And finally, if you’re willing to give us your ideas or feedback, don’t hesitate to make them known here! They all directly get sent to our tech team!

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