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5 reasons Why Music Companies Need to Upgrade their Teams’ Tools
October 20, 2020

5 reasons Why Music Companies Need to Upgrade their Teams’ Tools

If you’ve been following us for a while, you already know Reprtoir is building a complete workspace for record labels and publishers to manage their music business, with their teams. The thing is, the number of music labels and publishers still using outdated tools is mind-blowing—and it can actually hurt a business.

Technological advancements in the industry and meeting the growing demands of consumers and artists necessitates updating the way business is done. Meaning for example, no more managing chains of rights on Excel Sheets, which leads to costly errors that hamper revenues.

These scenarios are far too common in our industry. Really, it’s only scratching the surface. So, we came up with 5 reasons why music companies need to upgrade their team’s tools. Because it’s not a question of if, but when.

#1. Enhancing Catalog Management

First things first, efficiently managing a catalog can mean long and tedious tasks to keep everything organized, updated and shared within a team. Yet, record companies, music publishers in the music industry need their music metadata to be spotless. And not only catalogs must be cared for, but music professionals have to be able to share their files. And we all know compatibility can be challenging.

Imagine a solution that manages sound recordings metadata, contributors, rights holders, royalty splits, and more, all at once. This is what we are basing Reprtoir on: Catalog Management. We strongly believe that a dedicated content management system, or CMS, completely designed to manage audio files and music metadata is essential. And we built this software as a service, as a fundamental part of Reprtoir software suite.

Worried about changing software and the amount of data to put on Reprtoir? Easy as a pie! We offer free data migration for our customers’ datasets! Curious? You can create your free account to give it a test drive (always free up until 100 tracks uploaded on Reprtoir, no matter the number of accounts per team!).

#2. Managing Musical Works

Each and every need of a music publisher needs to be respectful of various criteria in their activities, including the following:

  • ISWC codes
  • Authors’ societies
  • Years of creation
  • Contributors IP codes
  • Rights holders

And I would include as well the need to meet international standards regarding files and communications (e.g. CWR), and other policies.

For us, as music professionals, we know how being able to manage music metadata, contracts and other works all at once can be a challenge. We wanted to build a solution, simply by adding split trees to given musical works to tracks from a music catalogs, assigning contributors, rights holders and roles.

With Reprtoir’s Catalog Management, music publishers benefit from a dedicated software environment where musical works data can be published and stored with ease. From contract tools to chain-of-rights tracking, the available features are comprehensive.

#3. Improving Sales Calls

Once everything is in order for your team, one of the most crucial elements to a successful sales call in the music industry is giving prospects and leads tunes worth listening to. Unfortunately, it's not always the most accessible – or secure – thing to do.

A few minutes to create a private compilation of tracks, with all the legal nitty-gritty handled, avoiding potential ramifications sounds like a dream. And, you saw it coming, our product Music Sharing solution is here for precisely this.

Bonus: you get real time tracking of listening from people you sent it to. No matter the playlist, it can be shared with multiple people—or just one person, depending on the situation. Now, sales teams have a tool to streamline the pitching process, while increasing their chances to land sync and licensing deals.

#4. Releasing Tracks Efficiently

Going a bit further on the topic, we wanted to be able to release tracks as easily as possible. Because we know how long it can be when you need to go through a distribution platform to put your tracks on music streaming services (trust us, we come from licensing).

This is why, by selecting albums to release right from Reprtoir’s work environment, a music company's team will fall in love with the fact that metadata is already updated. It's then possible to link content to planned releases, each attributed to the relevant distribution company. This is what Release Builder is for, in our software suite.

Plus, there are custom import packages directly from the user’s catalog in the Reprtoir workspace. Included are a pre-filled bulk upload spreadsheet and pre-named audio files waiting to be uploaded. It's now possible to move from a recording company's content management system to its distributors in mere moments.   

#5. Managing Royalties Accounting and Rights

We just added a new product to the Reprtoir family, that we know will help you manage royalties accounting, chains of rights and splits. Royalty Management Solution dedicated to importing royalty statements and processing royalty accounting. This will make the various processes involved in allocating contributors, rights holders, and roles far more straightforward.

Choose Reprtoir to Optimize Your Team’s Collaborative Process

Are you seeking out a turnkey, comprehensive solution for their music-distribution needs? Reprtoir offers a SaaS on a secured platform that removes all the hassle, replacing it with productivity and efficiency. Book a call with us to give a try to the platform!

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