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Merging tool - Tech Update January 2020
Tech Updates
January 24, 2020

Merging tool - Tech Update January 2020

And we’re back! First off, we want to wish you a happy new year and tell you how glad we are to kick off the first Tech Update for 2020. A lot will happen during this year, so stay tuned to our updates!

What's new: Merging tool

Let us introduce you to our brand new merging tool!

From now on, you will be able to merge contributors, catalogs or even tags to better order your data on Reprtoir. You will then be able to spot the mismatches and avoid duplications.

In addition, you will find out the associated contracts are evolving too! Until now, only contributors were associated with contracts. Now you will be able to add their own contracts as associated resources too. You’ll now be able to manage contracts and resources better!

What's more: Cover images

And we didn’t stop there! On your albums list, you’ll find a new cover image filter. May your albums shine brighter.

What's next

We are adding associated contracts in company and contact panes. Yay! And we are going to jump-start the development of our very first distribution components. This is going to be super exciting as tons of contacts and users have been requesting that Reprtoir be able to manage distribution to DSPs in one way or another. I will be a little less vague and secretive in next month’s Monthly Tech Update.

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